John's site, which is beyond cool. It has everything; pictures, videos, a store, forums, you name
it! It completely kicks my site's butt! (Do websites have butts?)
The Chris Farley Foundation- The organization that John's family founded to help teens make better
choices about drugs and alcohol. (John lost one of his older brothers, Chris, from an overdose in 1997). Log on and make a
donation, or learn more about their programs.
The Improv Olympic West Site-John was performing there on Monday nights, but his performing group,
called "Alexis Steinkamp" hasn't been on recently. Check out the schedule to see when he's back!
Second City-John is one of the alumnae of this distinguished comedy troupe
Adam Sandler's Site
David Spade's Site
Really Kick Butt Norm MacDonald Page
Internet Movie Data Base
Tom Arnold's Site:
Portsmouth Abbey School (John's High School)
Regis University (John's college)
MTV's website, click on "trailer park" and you can download a FREE preview of Deuce Bigelow 2!!!
Official Deuce Bigalow 2 Website
Paul Heier -Chris Farley impersonator and nice guy!
Pics of Chris's star ceremony